Social Justice is a popular movement advocating fairness for everyone in society. Advocates believe that all people should have access to resources such as healthcare, education, and work opportunities, regardless of a person’s wealth or cultural influence. Social justice advocates often work to address major societal problems such as poverty, crime, and racism. However, the term may also be applied to other issues that affect communities, such as gender equality, mental health, and environmental concerns.
The idea of social justice dates back thousands of years, with philosophers such as Plato (427-347 B.C.) and Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) addressing themes of fairness in their works. During the Industrial Revolution, social justice gained popularity in Europe as attempts were made to create more egalitarian societies and reduce the exploitation of certain marginalized groups.
Many different definitions of social justice exist, but all tend to center on the belief that everyone deserves a fair share of resources and opportunity in life. Some define this concept as equal treatment of all individuals, while others consider the distribution of items based on need. This principle is commonly referred to as distributive justice and is the core of many conflicts in politics, such as those over taxes, deficits, “austerity programs,” and jobs.
Social justice advocates typically focus on four pillars that are essential for the fair division of resources and opportunity: human rights, access, participation, and equity. Human rights are the fundamental principles of social justice, and they include a right to food, water, shelter, and medical care. Access focuses on the ability to acquire or use these human rights, and it is often limited by a person’s socioeconomic status, race, or culture.
Participation relates to the opportunity for all individuals to voice their opinions and concerns, as well as participate in decisions that impact their standard of living. Those who do not participate are often ignored and their opinions are discounted in favor of those who have more wealth, cultural influence, or political power. Those who lack participation are often left behind, and this can lead to major societal problems.
The last pillar, equity, focuses on how a person’s social circumstances affect his or her life outcomes. This principle takes into account the reality that some people have more limiting factors than others and that a fair arrangement of society must take these realities into account.
When equitable policies are in place, individuals spend less time worrying about meeting basic needs and can devote more energy to achieving their own goals. Furthermore, these policies communicate to citizens that they are valued members of their community, which is critical for psychological well-being. These are the reasons that the Black Lives Matter movement is so successful, despite its controversial name. By focusing on these pillars, activists and advocates hope to create a world where all people can live in dignity and pursue their dreams. Ultimately, this is what social justice means to us all.