Day: May 8, 2023

Legal ResourcesLegal Resources

legal resources

Legal resources are a wide range of materials used to support legal research, practice or advocacy. They may include legal dictionaries, law reviews, treatises, American Law Reports, and other secondary sources that organize, explain, and analyze primary source material. Although they are not law themselves, they can be persuasive authority in a court case, and courts often cite to them when making decisions on issues.

The first place to look when researching a topic is usually a legal dictionary. Legal dictionaries offer definitions of common legal terms and provide pronunciation guides. They also include the legal jargon that is often found in legislation and court cases. Legal dictionaries can be found in the reference area of most libraries or online at Cornell University’s Legal Information Institute.

Another excellent resource is a legal encyclopedia. An encyclopedia is an organized collection of articles, often in alphabetical order, about the laws of a particular area of the law. Legal encyclopedias can be very helpful in researching an unfamiliar subject because they describe and analyze the law and usually provide citations to the relevant primary source material, which can be more difficult to locate than a single source. The best legal encyclopedias are published by academic law libraries and contain authoritative, up-to-date information.

Law reviews are periodicals that publish essays and articles written by law professors, judges, and other lawyers. They can help researchers understand and interpret the law by describing, analyzing, and commenting on the law as it exists now and in the past. They can also provide citations to significant and recent legal cases and statutes that are important to a given issue. Law reviews are usually highly persuasive authority in a court case and can be helpful in formulating arguments. Some legal encyclopedias are also available online, such as HeinOnline and Westlaw Campus Research.

Federal law is largely determined by Congress, while state governments create the law in many areas, such as divorce, landlord-tenant, small business, and personal injury. A growing number of areas are addressed by both federal and state law, such as consumer protection, employment, food and drug regulation, and copyrights. Federal law alone governs a few subjects, such as bankruptcy, federal taxes, and Social Security.

The Legal Services Corporation has a website that contains statistics on legal needs and resources in the United States, including access to attorneys and other civil legal aid providers. It also includes a list of national and state resources for those without the means to hire an attorney. Other resources for individuals seeking legal assistance can be found through organizations like the American Bar Association Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, which develops programs to help legal practitioners provide pro bono services for homeless clients. Other resources for individuals who need legal help include the Center for Adolescent Health and the Law, which provides research, analysis, training, publications and advocacy on a range of issues affecting adolescents’ access to comprehensive health care and legal assistance.

What Is the Difference Between Equity and Equality?What Is the Difference Between Equity and Equality?

justice and equality

Justice is a concept of fairness, equality and balance for everyone. It’s a broad concept, and people use it to describe things like racial equality, gender equity, economic justice, social justice and many other concepts. The fight for different kinds of equality can be difficult, and sometimes it’s not possible to achieve. However, progress toward the goal of societal justice is important, and we should continue to push for change.

Equality is the idea that every person is essentially the same, regardless of differences in appearance, abilities/talents, languages spoken, religion, origins or major activities such as work or play. It’s a simple idea that has profound implications and is at the core of our nation’s founding document: Equal Protection under the Law. However, equality can be difficult to achieve because of societal structures that put people at varying points of advantage and disadvantage. For example, a person’s race or socioeconomic status may put them at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing housing, employment, education and other opportunities.

Taking the idea of equality a step further, equity goes beyond just treating people the same and seeks to understand and eliminate barriers that prevent people from being treated fairly. The goal is to give everyone what they need to live a life full of possibilities. For example, adding a ramp next to steps at a public library could help ensure that someone with a disability can easily access the building. This is one way to bring about the kind of equitable treatment that is desired by many people.

What Is the Difference Between Equity and Equality?

The word “equality” is often confused with justice, although they are distinct concepts. Justice refers to the principle of fairness in a given situation or system of law, while equality means equal treatment for all.

Justice is a social and moral concept that encompasses many aspects of society, including ethics, law, and values. It can be defined in a variety of ways, but it is most often described as fair treatment for all, impartiality and righteousness. Justice is also a political philosophy that seeks to ensure that each citizen has a say in their government and the economy.

The principles of justice are fundamental to our lives and are reflected in many of the laws we have in place today. However, the goal of a just society is always evolving as people and communities strive to make it better. By promoting equality and equity, we can make a more just world. It takes everyone to contribute to this effort, especially those who are most affected by injustice and inequality. The more we work together to advance these principles, the closer we get to creating a society in which everyone has a fair opportunity to succeed and enjoy peace and happiness. This is the ideal that we all deserve. -Joyce K. Lee, PhD, is a social justice educator at Kent State University and the director of the Center for Social Justice Research.

Creating Access Databases From ScratchCreating Access Databases From Scratch

creating access

While Access provides a large number of pre-designed database templates for a wide range of tasks, experts often prefer to start from scratch and build their own databases from the ground up. This allows them to customize every aspect of the database so that it exactly fits their needs.

The basic structure of an Access database consists of tables, queries, forms and reports. Tables organize data into rows and columns for easy viewing and sorting. They also allow users to store information in a variety of ways, including setting the maximum and minimum values that can be saved in a field. For example, a user may want to only allow numbers greater than 200 or less than 100 in a field that stores salary amounts.

Tables are the basic building blocks of a database, and they’re easy to create. The first step is to decide what type of information you want to store in the table. Then, the next step is to set up the fields that will be stored in the table. For instance, you might want to include a column for a date, and another for a text field to record names. You can also set up a primary key for each table that will automatically update when new records are added.

Once you’ve created a table, you can start adding records. To do so, click on the Create tab of the ribbon. Then, in the six sections labeled Application, Table, Query, Form, Report and Macro, click on Table to create Table2. In the right pane, you’ll see six fields to choose from: Field Name, Data Type and Record. The Field Name is the unique identifier for each field, and the Data Type indicates what kind of data the field will store. The most common types of data are short text, numeric and dates.

When you’re ready to add the first record, simply move down the list until you find a row that has an asterisk (*) in the left margin and then type in some information. Each time you move down the list, Access creates a new row for you. You can keep adding rows until you’re satisfied that the table has enough records.

Once you’ve added records to a table, you can easily view or edit the information by clicking on the Tables tab in the ribbon. You can even create a form that will show the contents of the table in a window onscreen. When you’re done, you can save the form and close it by clicking the X in the document window’s top-right corner, or you can close the database by choosing File-Close from the backstage menu.